Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)


Time Required: 40 minutes
Servings: 4


Rice Flour Bhakri is slightly difficult when you make it for the first time. But once you have mastered how to make it then it becomes simple. I like these more than chapatis but yes I dont make it as frequently as I make chapatis.

When I made this for the first time I was totally exhausted. I I thought I will not be making this in future but when I was talking to one of my close friend (Shilpa) she told me that if you put Water and Rice flour in correct quantity then its easy to make. I tried with the measures that she told me and it worked out. So am sharing the recipe with you all. Try the measures mentioned in the recipe  and make Bhakris. You will see that its not very difficult and you can at least make it once a week.


  • 1 Glass Rice Flour
  • 1 1/4 – 1 1/2 glass Water
  • 1 tsp Ghee
  • Salt according to your taste


  1. Pour water in a Kadai. Add salt and Ghee.
  2. Allow the water to boil then simmer the flame and add Rice flour.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
  3. Mix it well till it dries and then close a lid and keep it on low flame for 2 mins.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
  4. Allow the dough to cool. Once the Rice flour dough is cooled, start shaping them into small balls.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
  5. Before rolling them you need to follow the steps shown in pictures.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
    when you fold it it should not break that mean now its ready and you can roll them like chapatis
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
  6. Now roll them like chapatis.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)
  7. Now cook/fry them on both the sides. Once done put ghee on one side.
  8. Yummy Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri) is ready! You can have them with Green chili chutney (Valli Mirsangi chutney) or Junko.
    Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri) Rice Flour Bhakri (Konkani: Tandula Peeta Alonu Bhakri)

Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)

Time Required: 30 Minutes
Servings: 4


  • 1 cup Rice Flour
  • Water
  • Salt according to your taste
  • Oil


  1. Add Rice flour and Salt in Water and knead it.
  2. Knead it till it becomes a hard dough.
    Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)
  3. Shape them into tiny balls and press them with a smal bowl
    Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)
  4. Deep fry these Vadas till they turn golden brown.
    Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)
  5. Crispy Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade) is ready!
  6. Serve it with Ground Rice Kheer (Konkani: Guloni / Tandula Vantuna Payas). You can have it at tea time also.
    Rice Flour Vadas (Konkani: Tandula Peetache Vade)

Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)

Time Required: 30 Minutes


  • 1 cup of Rice Flour
  • Milk (required to knead dough)
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 tsp Sesame Seeds (Til)
  • Salt
  • Oil for deep frying


  1. Take Rice flour, Salt, Butter, Sesame seeds in a bowl. Knead the dough using milk.Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)
    Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)
  2. Heat Oil in the Kadai and make Chakuli using the Chakuli maker (dantho).Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)
    Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)
  3. Tasty Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli) is ready!
    Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli) Chakuli (Konkani: Chakli)